Standard Weight7800lb
Standard Paving Range3.05 - 5.94 m (10' - 19' 6")
Maximum Paving Width25.5ft
Maximum Paving Depth10in
Heating Time - Maximum Width25 minutes
Heating Time - Standard Width15 minutes
Crown Range-2.5% to 5%
Vibratory Speed Range0 to 3000 vpm
Extender Height Range-41 mm to +6.5 mm
Extender Slope Range0% to 9%
Minimum Width - Endgates Attached132in
Transport Length - Tractor and Screed21.75ft
Screed Plates Width, Front to Back, Main Screed24in
Screed Plates Width, Front to Back, Extenders9in
Length - Front to Back, Endgates Attached86in
Length - Front to Back, Endgates Removed59in