Customer Value Agreements

You need to maintain high productivity at low operational costs, no matter the application or age of your machinery. Receive the expert support you need to achieve this goal through a Customer Value Agreement (CVA). At Blanchard Machinery Company, we take pride in offering Cat® CVAs to help you better protect your investment.


The Advantages of CVAs

When you choose Cat customer value agreements from Blanchard Machinery Company, you get to experience these benefits:

  • Maximized equipment value: A CVA allows you to receive prompt service for your equipment and ensures it is performed correctly. You can maximize the value of your equipment by not needing to replace components often or spend unexpected costs on emergency repairs.
  • Improved customization: We customize your agreement according to your specific needs, allowing you to align it with your priorities.
  • Additional incentives: A CVA through Caterpillar provides information and additional support via the Cat App. It helps you monitor your equipment’s status and usage statistics effectively.
  • Part availability: CVA holders benefit from the prompt delivery of genuine parts. The parts you require are shipped to you quickly, reducing downtime.
  • Flexible payments: You have the flexibility to select the payment option that suits you best, including the possibility of prepaying for frequently used services.
  • Expert services: Our experts take care of all maintenance and repairs for equipment included in a CVA.
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Contact Blanchard Machinery Company for a CVA

Blanchard Machinery Company is the exclusive Cat dealer in South Carolina. Our Cat CVAs are designed to help you maximize the performance of your machines. We also provide valuable CVAs for equipment from other brands.

You can consult with the sales representatives at your local dealer about how to use your CVA when purchasing your equipment or contact them when your machinery requires maintenance. Our team members can review your agreement and ensure you receive the necessary parts and services. Talk to your Blanchard sales representative today to learn more about CVAs.

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